Monday, June 5, 2023

Halifax Citadel


Our trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia included a tour of the Citadel which sits on a hilltop overlooking the city.

[From the brochure]

"First constructed on the shores of the harbour in 1749 as a strategic base for the Royal British Navy, Halifax has been home to four Citadels, all constructed on the high ground above the original town plot. 


The first three forts were built of earth and logs and served through the Seven Years War, the American Revolution, Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812, but after 1815, British authorities decided the the old wooden forts defending Canada's strategic strong points, including the Citadel, should be replaced by more powerful and permanent works of stone.

Construction of a new Citadel began in 1828 and continued until 1856.

Thought the Citadel was never attacked, as a military deterrent, it was a success.

In 1867, British North America became the Dominion of Canada, but the continuing importance of Halifax as a port for the Royal Navy saw British troops remain here until 1906.  After that the Citadel was occupied by the Canadian military and remained active through World Wars until 1951, when it was transferred from the Department of National Defence to Parks Canada."

The re-enactors were dressed as though it was 1869.  Most were students doing internships from the local college. Our guide, seen above dressed in a kilt, was from England, attending school in Halifax.  He was tailed during his tour by an instructor grading him.  I asked countless questions as I'm wont to do, and he answered them very well.