Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Soup for a Snowy Day Lunch

 Tuesday the snow just kept coming and coming.  We went in the late morning to vote in our town elections and when I came home I decided it was a soup lunch day.  Raided the vegetable drawers and came up with this combination:

three celery stalks and one onion sauteing in butter,

carrots, parsnips to add,

about 6 portabella mushrooms,

a potato,

3 cups of beef broth (low sodium),

2 tablespoons flour to add to celery & onion mix to make a roux before adding broth and the rest of the vegetables.

I seasoned it with a small handful of Herbs from Provence and chopped garlic plus some black pepper.

Once it came to a boil I let it simmer until lunch time.  Meanwhile outside the snow just keeps coming.

I placed a handful of arugula in the bowls and served the soup on top with a sprinkling of shaved parmesan.  Dan pronounced it delicious. I thought so too.

And the best part is there is enough to have it again today - Wednesday.