Monday, February 13, 2023

My Book Stack

Currently reading and learning a lot:


It's about the migration from the south to north and west by African Americans starting around WWI and continuing until the late 1960s once Civil Rights legislation was passed.  The south was a horrible place to be black!  But those who had the courage, the same courage that immigrants from Europe and Asia had, came north and west for new opportunities. Unfortunately the prejudices and segregation continued but not to the same deadly degree. For one thing there was the right to vote and better paying work.

Also reading in spurts:

I read her autobiography and have it on my shelf as a keeper for now.  I purchased this one too and find I can read it in doses.

The stack by my desk has these library books:

The one on top is for the Feb 21 book group discussion.

The final book we purchased yesterday at church.  It's for the Lenten book series.  I think it will be heavy reading.