Monday, July 31, 2023

Flowers of Summer

In no particular order since Blogger likes to mix them up.

Did you see any critters in any of the photos?

By the way I'm taking an August hiatus from writing blogs but I have scheduled A Laugh a Day for all month.  I'll still visit and comment on your blogs though when I can.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Birds at Work

 Couldn't quite figure out why the sunflower blooms looked so ragged until Saturday morning when I caught these goldfinches having their breakfast.

Sorry for the quality.  I had to take the photos through the windows.

Saturday, July 29, 2023


 Blueberries ripening now in field behind our neighbors house. She opens it up for picking just to neighbors at $2@pint. I deposited a $20 Wednesday night, picked 2 pints and have 8 more to pick. They make a yummy pie.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Who Knew ...

 ...that living in a house built in 1839 dictated the appliances one could have?

We are making some updates in our kitchen and the refrigerator needs to go.  It still works though built in 2006 but for Dan who is 6'2" it's impossible for him to see into it.  

In preparation for a taller refrigerator Dan removed the cabinet above.

We went to Home Depot after deciding on the brand and the style with input from Sarah who purchased one this spring.

We settled on this one.

The kitchen appliance guy was occupied with other customers so we took the photo below to the front desk.  The woman there said yes, she could place the order but we should first measure our doorways to see if the refrigerator could pass through.  We looked again at the measurements almost 36" wide and over 36" deep and thought well through the sliding door. Sure.  But she told us to measure and then order on line.

We measured the front door

Less than 30"!
And to pass through to the kitchen this doorway was even smaller!

Ok, then the slider.  Nope less than 30"!

The side door is exactly 30".  

The model we selected would not make it into the house.  We looked online for slimmer models and found one just a smidgen under 30" wide.  It will work.  It will be bigger capacity than what we have and big enough for the two of us.

When we face replacing the washer and dryer, size will be a factor again.

Who knew that an old house would dictate the size of new appliances?

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Wright World War II Museum, Wolfeboro, NH

 Sunday was a beautiful day so we set off to the Lake District of New Hampshire, specifically to visit a museum recommended to Dan.  We were not sure what we would find there because the website didn't do justice to what was on exhibit.  We were pleasantly surprised and spent a good two hours exploring the exhibits.

This was the first thing we saw out front and we were expecting more of the same inside.

Inside was this Clubmobile.

You'll have to enlarge the next photo to read it.  Fascinating stuff I never knew.

We watched a movie in a theatre then entered the Home Front Gallery.  This was the major emphasis of this museum: what was happening in the US during WWII.  I captured just a minute part of what was on exhibit.


Here are some great cartoons of the time.

I never remember my mother talking about these times.  She would have had ration books. My oldest brother was born in January 1942 and my oldest sister in November of 1944.  My Dad enlisted as a chaplain before my sister was born and served in Hawaii, Fiji Islands, and New Caledonia.

From the Home Front Gallery we entered a year by year gallery.  What I captured here primarily was the year by year prices.

Then in a very large area we have the machines of war.

With a gallery above on the various services.

It is quite a museum worth visiting if you're in the area.

Wolfeboro was a busy place on Sunday. I think rentals must turn over then.  We lucked out and found a Mexican restaurant off the main drag, with parking across the street where we ate lunch before we visited the museum.

A day well spent!