Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Monday, February 27, 2023

Recipe from Vicki Lane

 Vicki at Vicki Lane Mysteries posted a recipe on Saturday that looked good plus I had all the ingredients so Saturday night I made it.

Chicken thighs cut up


Tomatoes (I didn't have Roma)

Onion and garlic

Chicken stock

Rice (I used 1 cup)

Once chicken browned and removed, sauteed onions and garlic, then added the rice, tomatoes, chicken, and stock, lemon juice, oregano and then the spinach (below).

It cooked 25 minutes for me.  Below it's ready to serve

For Vicki's recipe go to the link at start of this blog entry.

It was very good.  I froze two containers for future meals when I can't be cooking after March 31 surgery on right hand. 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Fresh Snow

View from my desk window.


Monday, February 20, 2023


 The planning has begun.  The date set - September 2023. The accommodation secured - a small apartment in Priego de Cordoba. The deposit made.

We are returning to Spain, last having been there in October 2019.  This time we will be in the south with a car to explore lots of interesting places and try lots of different menus.

We are again using Untours.  A great way to travel.

Friday, February 17, 2023

More Funnies


Thank you, Marilyn for sharing these with me.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Puzzle Strategy

 I know there are other puzzlers out there who read my blog.  

Here's a question:  How do you complete your puzzles?

Here's what I do.  First I'm limiting myself to 500-550 pieces.  The 1000 piece ones were too time consuming and frustrating because they have to have such tiny pieces.

I first go through the box to get the edge pieces.  As I do this I also pick out a predominate color to put in a pile.  In this puzzle it was the blue sky.

Once I have most of the edge pieces and have assembled what I can, I look for other distinguishing colors or patterns or faces or words.  

Like the red and white awning.

Words on signs.

or flowers.

I assemble what I can and place them in about the spot in the puzzle.

I then work out from those or look for lines that cut across the puzzle.  In this one there will be the line where the sky meets the trees to look for.  There will be the roof line.  I also can pick out all the cow colors or all the greens.  You get the idea.

What do you do?

Monday, February 13, 2023

My Book Stack

Currently reading and learning a lot:


It's about the migration from the south to north and west by African Americans starting around WWI and continuing until the late 1960s once Civil Rights legislation was passed.  The south was a horrible place to be black!  But those who had the courage, the same courage that immigrants from Europe and Asia had, came north and west for new opportunities. Unfortunately the prejudices and segregation continued but not to the same deadly degree. For one thing there was the right to vote and better paying work.

Also reading in spurts:

I read her autobiography and have it on my shelf as a keeper for now.  I purchased this one too and find I can read it in doses.

The stack by my desk has these library books:

The one on top is for the Feb 21 book group discussion.

The final book we purchased yesterday at church.  It's for the Lenten book series.  I think it will be heavy reading.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Where do People Find These?


Don't you bet she has her mouth open too?

I'm not a coffee drinker but I learned something here.