Monday, December 19, 2022

Broken Record

 I've been trying to post every day since November 28th but I broke my record and missed posting Sunday.

I had extenuating circumstances.

We were hit by that big snow storm.  We got at least 18 inches. The storm started Thursday night and snowed through most of Saturday.  A heavy wet snow that brought down trees on power lines. 

Yep, we lost power Saturday at about 3 am.  I know because I had just gotten up to use the toilet and when I returned to bed and closed my eyes, I was aware of a bright light.  It was the emergency flashlight going on outside our bedroom door.  I looked at the clock and it was dark so I knew no power.

No power meant no heat, no water (we have a well) and no wifi.  

Dan woke at 4 am and went down with the flashlight to use my cell phone to report it.  We reported it again at 9.

What a "great" birthday present!

Emily and granddaughter #2 came at 9 to bring me birthday cards and an amaryllis.  She said they didn't have power but they do have a woodstove.  We went over there by 11:30 to warm up and have lunch.

I checked with the venue for Paula Poundstone and it was still on.  The restaurant was open so we were going to go no matter what.

Luck was on our side and the utility repaired the downed wires before 1 pm.  We had showers and headed north to St. Johnsbury VT for the show.

If you ever see that Paula Poundstone is coming to a venue near you, get tickets.  We laughed so hard for two hours.  She is so quick on the up take with her responses we were impressed. She involved the audience which was also amazing.

We arrived home after 10:30 pm and went to bed.

Sunday morning we slept later than usual but got out of here on time to see granddaughters in the Christmas Pageant at their church.

It's now Sunday night now and I thought for sure I had planned a post for today and sat down to write Monday's.  

Oh well, records can be broken.

Friday morning.

Friday mid-day

Saturday morning.

It was just above freezing when this photo taken so snow has slid off roof or Dan has scraped it off already.

Thank you for all the birthday greetings, friends.