Friday, May 20, 2022

This Week's Walk

 Wednesday was a blue sky day though only barely 60ยบ. We headed to the terminus of the Mascoma River Greenway to park and walk towards Lebanon.  

The Greenway is a rail trail and starting from the terminus we can still see the rails. One day the terminus may end at the Connecticut River where the Mascoma River ends.  I think it's in the works.

This sculpture represents all the wheels in the history of this area: a water wheel from a saw mill that once was upstream, train wheels, bike wheels.  Hmm ... what was the fourth? 

We took a side trail and saw this rubble foundation across the river.  Maybe the sawmill?

Just about everything is coming back to life and showing their version of green.

Though it's cool again Thursday as I write this, heat is coming our way this weekend. I have to plan a walk for us next week.  Maybe along the Mascoma Lake which is where we had originally planned to go on Wednesday but figured the temperature would be too cool.  There's a restaurant on the Lake I want to try but seating is outside.  A warm day needed for that excursion.