Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Cliff Walk

Thursday morning we set off from the apartment we rented to walk to the start of the Cliff Walk.  Fortunately we had a map picked up the afternoon before at the information office which was closed though sign said open.  They had maps available outside the door though. Most folks rely on the map on their phones but I am not plugged in to unlimited wifi. 

Again it was a very gray day but with no rain.

The Cliff Walk is paved for the most part of 3.5 miles along the coast. It did have a section fail this spring and we did come to that detour.

At the start was this former mansion, now a hotel.


The ocean stretched to our left and the wind blew furiously.

Some stretches were narrower with walls on one side and hedges on the other.

We soon came to the detour which was just as well.  The wind was too fierce.

We couldn't see the break ahead.  

We took the detour which took us through the campus of Salve Regina College and then on the The Breakers - the Vanderbilt "cottage".