Saturday, December 11, 2021

Come for a Drive

 Last Thursday, the 2nd, I told Dan I'd like to take a drive to the White Mountains if the weather was going to be clear.  (Last winter we attempted this but it was snowing and we had to turn back. [Post here on that attempt.]) As so often happens my idea was not original and he'd been thinking the same thing.  Happens often in our house that I read his mind.

Friday's forecast was good so we set the GPS for the Kancamagus  Highway which is reported to be the best route in NH to see fall foliage.  Not being fall anymore around here we knew we'd have the road to ourselves.  To get there from here it's northeast as the crow flies, but by auto requires going north, east, south, and even west sometimes.

We set out and passed two barns I've always admired in Enfield.

 Then in Canaan got a view of Mount Cardigan. 

We had to weave our way through valleys.

We entered the Kangamagus Highway at the western end in Lincoln I think it was, and headed east entering the White Mountain National Forest. The road started to climb.

We knew it was cold outside by the snow and ice.  The wind was fierce so we didn't linger at many of the overlooks.

Once we passed this marker the road headed down to Conway where we had lunch.

After lunch we put in a destination of the Mount Washington Hotel and Resort one of only two remaining from the hey day of hotels in the area.

The hotel was not on the east side of Mount Washington as we thought and to get to the west side we drove through Crawford Notch.

Aw, here it is,

and what a view of Mount Wshington.

The weather observatory is just visible.

The last time we were on Mount Washington was the summer of 2001.  We drove up. We had been up twice before that. In 1983 by the cog railroad and in the 70s we drove up after backpacking in the mountains.  I'd like to return to the hotel and take the cog railroad up again. Someday.

Hope you enjoyed the drive.