Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Covid Test

 When we visited Buffalo for the Thanksgiving week, we stayed in masks until we could take a Covid test.  There was the very minimal chance we may have been exposed by a NH granddaughter who may have been exposed at school.  Both granddaughters took Covid tests in NH on Monday 11/22 and we did the at home test that morning in Buffalo

The directions are very explicit to the point of warning you to not move the test case.  We swabbed our noses for 15 seconds and inserted them into the test case, turned the swabs three times, closed the case and waited for 15 minutes.

Our tests were negative which we expected so off came our masks.

NH is offering 4 free test kits to each household that signs up.  I did that yesterday.  The tests we took cost $25 for two.

Here's the link to the free kits so you can check if your area is offering them for free.