Friday, August 27, 2021

The Fair

Last weekend was the Fair in our township.  It's a very big deal around here and lots of folks volunteer for different aspects: ticket taking, parking, exhibits, first aid, sales, and food.  The rides are contracted out of course but the fair entrance fee ($12 adults and $3 kids) is a big money maker for the school PTO.  

We volunteered to take tickets for 3 hours (4 pm-7pm) Saturday evening at one of the 5 entrance points.  Ours was right across for the largest parking lot which generated lots of traffic to our booth until it filled up.  There were waves of people.  I never have handled so many $100 bills!

Emily and I handled the ticket sales and Dan did the hand stamping and vehicle monitoring for those needing access to school parking lot.

We attended the Fair on Sunday.  Here's what we saw.




More animals

More tractors

More rides

Historical stuff

More animals

And more rides

And more tractors new and old.

I would bet that before tractors became so prominent horses would have had a bigger showing at a fair. There was only one building devoted to a few horses - the rest were filled with cattle.

We are definitely in a farming community here in New Hampshire!