Saturday, August 21, 2021

Fellow Blogger for Lunch

 Friday the 20th, Dan and I welcomed Dorothy and Pat for lunch.  They may be known to you as Beatrice and Grenvillef The Frog and the PenguiNN.  Today, Saturday, is their anniversary.  

Though they live in Nashua which is several hours south of here they came up to the Upper Valley of NH/VT to do some exploring and to meet us for the first time.  

We had corresponded first through our blogs - don't know who discovered whom first - then by emails and phone conversations.

I made cheese pie, tossed salad, and blueberry pie.

We spent almost three hours getting better acquainted & hearing each other's life stories.  Of course we gave them a tour of our 1839 house and barn - a work in progress.

It's been a very long time since we met up with a fellow blogger.  The last was likely in 2014 when we were in the UK and met up with Marie of After 60 and the Next 10.

If any of you reading this are in NH area look me up.  Maybe we can get together, too.