Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Barn Phase 1 - Almost Complete

Thursday, July 8, the barn whisperer finished his portion of Phase 1 restoration of our barn.  I held off posting this hoping I could say when the concrete contractor would be arriving to pour the cement floor.  But we are awaiting a returned phone call so as I write this on Sunday we have no date set.


The floor of the two right bays of the barn have been packed with sand.  Sticking up there is a drain though it won't be that high.  It will be the low point of the concrete floor.  The center post shows how much the barn was raised as it sits on that cement pier that was placed in a 4 feet hole.

The pile of sand delivered on the left and what remains on the right.

While the barn whisperer worked Dan offered his assistance when needed. Dan also worked to remove the insulation from the other two rooms on the left side of the barn, revealing another window and another door.

Phase 2 will begin after concrete and after grading of the driveway happens. Besides stabilizing the left side of the barn

it will also include replacing rotted window sills and clapboards.

I have the paint to paint the rec room upstairs in the barn but have not been able to get to that.  Maybe I can start this week.

Postscript: Dan connected with cement contractor Monday evening after getting his cell # from our son in law.  Text was answered immediately by a call back.  He will do it!