Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Mt. Ascutney

 From the park brochure: 

"Mt. Ascutney dominates the landscape of southeastern Vermont and southwestern New Hampshire, rising sharply from the surrounding gentle hills.  The mountain has a complex and unique geological history.  The mountain formed over 100 million years ago when magma forced up several times into surrounding  metamorphic rocks.  The magma intrusion complex cooled slowly into an igneous granitic rock. Over time, the surrounding metamorphic rock was worn down by weather and ice ages but the granite dome persisted.  The Mt. Ascutney we know today is a monadnock; it is not related geologically to surrounding hills, but rather stands alone and shares a geologic history more closely with the White Mountains of New Hampshire than that of the surrounding Green Mountains of Vermont."

Mt. Ascutney from New Hampshire view point a couple of days before our hike.

We drove to almost the summit and hiked the rest of the way when my sister and brother in law visited us recently. The road way to the upper parking lot is fairly narrow and very bumpy.  It was as though it still had frost heaves. It's a toll road $4 person, 3.7 miles long with an elevation gain of 2,300 feet.  Going down requires one's lowest gear!

From the parking lot we had a choice of two pathways up the Slot trail or the Slab trail. We took the Slab up and the Slot down. 

At the top I was expecting the mountain to be bald - devoid of trees but it wasn't.  Thankfully there's an observation tower - 24.5 feet tall - the provides the panoramic view.

My sister, brother in law and myself at the summit.  It was a cool gray day so the panorama was not spectacular. 

Now blogger always mixes up photos when I load a lot at a time so enjoy these mixed up views of the hike. up and back. 

In 2006 Dan hiked to the top from the base by himself.  Daughter Emily and I were shopping for her wedding dress .  Later he got to see her choice, approved and wrote the check! She was married the next year.