Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Local Garden Tour

 Daughter Emily called shortly after 8 o'clock Saturday morning to suggest I accompany her to view a local garden open to the public at 9.  Of course I said yes.  It was a short walk from my house and the home of a local garden expert and weekly garden columnist.  His home is a former Creamery associated with the sign we found in our barn.  One day we'll have him here to see the sign.

But on to the gardens. No first look at this snapping turtle we walked past on the side of the road.

Now the gardens. A lot of work has gone on to get them like this.

As I said the house was once the creamery and built very solidly but with no insulation when he purchased it in 1970.  It was being used as a summer house then.

Notice the blue flower below.

I fell in love with this blue bird bath.  He had two.  One purchased in Cape Cod and one at local feed store.  I'll be on the lookout.

I was inspired.


P.S. I've updated my Books Read 2021. I've read 6 more books since last update.  Currently have 4 books started - too many. One is for book discussion later this month "Caste"-well written and very thought provoking.  Another I started yesterday is an earlier one in series from William Kent Krueger.  The other two I may not continue, haven't decided.