Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Farm Up the Road


I've come to realize that the days are mostly cloudy around here. Without direct sun the coolness stays and I need to bundle up when I go out.

This day it was a walk for me and a ride for granddaughter #2.  She brought her bike over and at 4 1/2 is a proficient rider.

The farm up the road is a frequent destination.  The farmer lets you walk by all the cattle barns. Visitors are always fascinating to animals there.  This goat in with the sheep was no exception.

The lambs were too scared to come close.  They will be for sale as chops in the not too distant future.

This sheep was curious.

Next door were these youngsters.

They were willing to say hi to granddaughter.

In the yard was future hamburger.  Granddaughter didn't want to believe that.

More goats in a fenced lot.

Sky hadn't changed much when we turned to go back.

This field has a low spot where a shallow pond forms with the spring rains.  We are actually below average in rainfall and may be facing drought conditions again this summer.

Anyone know what these cloud formations are called?