Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wild Flowers

 We returned to the town's forest for a hike on Saturday and to see the wildflowers.  More on the hike in another post, but here are the wildflowers I captured.  Now blogger will not put these in the order taken and there are too many to try to arrange the correct order.


Daughter Emily on the trail.  She's the expert and knows where to expect certain varieties.  She has a great book organized by flower colors.

Dutchman's breeches and red trillium.

Trout lily. My daughter says that this only blooms when it has two leaves.  I have some of these on the north side of my house but only single leaves coming up.

Not wildflowers but puff balls on an old log.  Below more trillium.

Thought I got a photo of bloodroot.  Maybe that's it below.

Below is a strange one with flower below the leaves. Daughter said it was wild ginger.

Above is something related to bleeding heart. It's very similar to Dutchman's breeches below.  Leaves are different though.

A very tiny pink blossom, name unknown.

Not sure what this white flower is.

Apparently the rocky hillside where we hiked is the perfect habitat for these wildflowers.