Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Walk in the woods

 Our township owns a forest that is crisscrossed with trails.  We set out to find it one day this week and thought we had when we walked on this trail

It followed the course of this brook (not creek in NH).

There were lots of interesting rock formations,

vernal pools,

and trees.

The trail we realized was either a road or a former railroad bed.  The grade was gradual like rail lines though no signs of old rail timbers.  It soon ended at the road we had turned off of so we weren't in the town forest as we thought.

We did spot signs of spring - skunk cabbage.

And don't these two (above and below) look like alligators?

We consulted the map and did some more driving and found the forest.  Decided to save any walks for another time.  My header photo is a trillium about to bloom on the hillside in the town forest.  We will return soon to see more wildflowers. as you can see the woods are full of them.