Sunday, February 28, 2021

A Change of Scenery

 We just wanted a change of scenery and thought we'd take a drive.  Dan planned out a route that would take us to the White Mountains and back stopping for lunch in Conway, NH (drive thru - fast food).  The weather forecast said the light snow would change to rain and temperatures would rise to the 40ºs.

We set out close to 10 o'clock after two stops: library for book pick up outside and recycle center to leave our trash and recyclables.

We set out noticing that the state road we were on hadn't been salted or plowed.  Was it because it was Saturday? or because it was to change to rain?

We had on "Wait, Wait, Don't tell Me" on NHPR (New Hampshire Public Radio).  There weren't many cars on the road.  The snow kept coming down and it was beautiful.  Even the large snow banks on the sides of the road were getting a fresh covering of snow.

Outside of Plymouth, NH I remarked to Dan that the snow seemed to be getting heavier and the road more covered.  He said he was thinking the same thing so we decided to abort our plans.

Rather than retrace our route home we decided that the interstate at Plymouth would be better cleared and we could head south before heading back west and home.  The entrance ramp onto the interstate was snow covered.  Here's the scene as we got on.

It quickly became one lane only.  No plows in sight.

By this time we were listening to a program about NH roads in the winter and frost heaves. We exited the interstate and headed west to home experiencing the frost heaves.  Apparently the highway department puts out thousands of these signs every winter.

If you're not familiar with frost heaves it's caused by water under the road surface freezing and thawing, breaking the road so that bumps appear in the road.  Some of these are quite remarkable in their size though we haven't experienced any of these yet.  Hitting one of these too fast can cause damage to the car.  The least problem is the incredible bumpy ride.

We got back home before 1 pm. The next time we'll wait for better weather and blue skies, but we did get a change of scenery at least.