Sunday, February 21, 2021

Some Reading to Be Done

 I walked to the library Saturday morning here in town after calling to get an appointment time.  Mine was for 10 am.  I had books to return - one of mine and 7 I had checked out to read to granddaughters.  I checked out more for the granddaughters and two for myself.

I've been wanting to read Obama's memoir and found it on display.  It had just been returned on Wednesday, the last day the library was open.  

The one I started though when I got home was this memoir by Jacqueline Winspear who writes the Maisie Dobbs series.  I'm more than a third of the way through already after devoting a good chunk of time to reading on Saturday afternoon.

If you've enjoyed her novels, you'll want to read this. You'll recognize places, people and animals that she has used in her books.  It's a delight to read.


I finished the second pillow too.  One more to go then I may tackle making some curtains.