Sunday, May 3, 2020


We are moving!

Ever since daughter Sarah moved away from here last summer I have raised the issue of moving closer to either one of the two daughters.

With the forced isolation of the pandemic that distance has become greater.  Dan came around to feeling as I did and we made the decision.

We considered the two states: New York and New Hampshire and the latter won out as being friendlier for retirees.

We've given our 90 days notice to Vantage Point and will be moving to an apartment at the end of July in Lebanon, NH close to daughter Emily and family who lives 20 minutes south of there.

It's a one year lease as we decide whether to purchase a house or return to living in a retirement community but with NH as our new home state.

This list is long of what we have to do before July 31st but no downsizing to speak of so that's a relief.

It's amazing to think we've done this all online: finding an apartment, touring apartment, leasing apartment, and even getting a moving estimate by providing a video of our rooms.

Scene above is from our balcony yesterday on a rare blue sky day.  Other photos are of a peony blooming across the street in the garden of a church.  The peony had the fragrance of a rose.

I'll keep you posted on the unraveling of our life here in Maryland.  We've been here since 1974 and have lived in 5 different places.  Moving, not unfamiliar to us, but New Hampshire will be a new adventure. Fortunately we have been traveling to that area since 1999 when we took Emily to Dartmouth to start her freshman year. She never came back to Maryland and has made her life there.  Sarah also attended Dartmouth, but she was our world traveler who came back, made a home in the Washington area for a time but now Buffalo is home. 

We have been making the trip up to NH for 21 years! It will be good to go there to stay.