Saturday, April 4, 2020

News Update

Keeping busy.

Making cards for Easter.

Doing puzzles on half of the dining room table.

Reading - finished "Crisis" by Felix Francis and past it on to my neighbor.
Currently reading "The Thousand Hills to Heaven" by Josh Ruxin about Rwanda.  Got it from another neighbor.

Taking walks.
I wanted to take a drive to see cherry blossoms.  Knew we couldn't go to DC but there are spots in Maryland with cherry blossoms galore.  Then I read the stay-at-home order and we decided a joy ride was not following the rules.  We took a walk across the street to Wilde Lake and spotted these cherry trees.

No we haven't be writing on the pavement but someone has.

Tot lots are closed!

Walked this morning around the other lake near us, Lake Kittamaqundi.  I thought at first it was going to be a walk with few people but once I got on the trail around the lake there were many walkers, dog people, joggers and bikers.  Too many for comfort.  I kept thinking I should be wearing my mask.  Am I breathing in their droplets?  Am I exposing myself?

The skies were lighter than this photo shows but this shows my fear better.
In other news, there are two more cases of Covid-19 in our complex.  Three people were tested and one was negative.  There are likely on the same floor of the health center where the other case was who died.