Sunday, March 22, 2020

More Restrictions and Time Out

A new memo appeared on our shelf outside our apartment door.  Updated restrictions based upon the CDC, CMS, state health department and Life Care Services.

No more movies in the auditorium.

No more fitness classes or fitness videos in the auditorium.

Limits on gatherings of every sort in our common areas.

Limit of two on the elevator at a time.

Going out of the building only for essentials like doctor visits, prescriptions that can't be delivered  or food though they'd prefer we order groceries to be delivered.

We try to take time out every day.  Thursday we went to our old stomping grounds to walk along the Patapsco River.  Wouldn't you know we met up with former neighbors we haven't seen since we moved.  We kept our distance especially when they said they'd just returned from a 22 day cruise on the Amazon.  Saturday we went to the Howard County Conservancy to walk.

Here are scenes from our riverside walk.

Across the river the railroad is going passed.  Dan counting the cars did his multiplication and figured that the train was 1.25-1.5 miles long. 

Can you see the tree blossoms?

Spring beauties all over.

A twisted tree.

Evidence that a beaver has been at work.

Skunk cabbage.

The trail was muddy in places.

More beaver work.

Here the beaver has ringed the tree which means it will die.

Dan said of this beaver stump that it was the work of this beaver's grandfather.

This poor tree has this snake like vine growing on it.

Only picture from Conservancy walkway of this barred owl in its cage.

Next time we walk I'll take my camera.  The iPhone pictures seem so dark most of the time.  Is there some setting I should change?