Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Changing Plans

Life is changing around here.  We are a community of 60+ years and over. We have a bulls eye on us according to the CDC that if we get the coronavirus it will be much worse for us.  80+ years old have a 15% death rate from it, some sources are reporting.

Tomorrow is big meeting with the administrator who will likely tell us to restrict outside visitors.  We already have instructions that if you return from a cruise or out of the country you must be in quarantine for 14 days.  One couple returned from a trip to Costa Rica and another person from somewhere else and immediately were confined to their apartments.

We have no cases here in Howard County yet but its best to take the measures now instead of when someone has it in our community.  If that were to happen we'd all be confined to our apartments for 14 days.

We were to have friends for dinner and cards on Saturday and then again on Sunday.  Two different groups of 4.  It was a church auction item last spring.  I wrote to them all to indefinitely postpone it.

We have reservations in Boston at the end of the month for one night before going on to NH to see granddaughters in a ballet performance.  We will likely cancel the Boston reservation.

We have reservations in Wyoming in June to visit the Grand Tetons. We've rented a VRBO for the week. I put the date on the calendar when we can cancel with 100% return and that's April 8th. Don't know what we'll do with the United reservations.  They changed our flight going out to earlier in the day which means a longer layover in Chicago.  Don't think we'll want to do that.  Maybe we'll drive instead or just not go.

How is this threat impacting your life?