Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Tuesday Treasures

It's been a very long time since I linked to Tom's Tuesday Treasures but with all these photos from our trip to Barcelona in October I need to share them somehow.

The Prado in Madrid is Spain's premiere art museum with lots of art treasures.

I have only two photos because I didn't see the sign that said no photography allowed.  As I took these two in the main atrium/hallway, a very polite staff person come up to me to tell the rule.

We arrived when it opened and stayed way past lunch hunger pains.  We couldn't see it all, but we focused on particular artists or time periods of interest.  We had a meet up point since four of us went in separate directions.  It was worth the trip.

Here's a link to the website so you can see for yourself what the Prado has.

Postscript to Monday's Post:
Thank you to all the viewers that revealed themselves as readers but not commenters.  I know there are more but as Marie, one regular commenter noted, if they are not signed in to google they can't comment.