Friday, November 1, 2019

Barcelona - 5

Sorry to be so slow posting this photos.  Granddaughter #3 is visiting and we are doing day care while daughter commutes to DC to her office.  She has been telecommuting since they moved to Buffalo.  A family wedding Saturday in VA gave her a reason to come early to get into the office.  Her commute from here in Columbia can take up to 2 hours. I used to do it but then it took an hour.  Traffic is horrendous in Washington metro area.

But back to Barcelona. Our first Sunday we visited an open air book market early in the morning.  I was looking for a children's book in Spanish but everything was in Catalan.  Then later in the morning we went to Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.  This is a former hospital that closed in 2009.  A new hospital built next door.  The original hospital is a modernist treasure and UNESCO World Heritage Site.  This Sunday a visit was free!

[Granddaughter just woke up so will post the photos for viewing.]

It was a grey day.

Yes that is a lime tree.

The lawn was striped with pavers.

Never seen a pomegranate tree/bush.

There were many people here but compared to Sagrada Familia the next day it was light attendance.

It was hard to believe this was a hospital.