Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Summer Reruns - 3

Taking a summer hiatus of sorts and as with TV shows, I'm offering some reruns.
From Summer of 2016 our trip to Finland then a river cruise on the Danube followed by a stay over outside Munich.  Here's the first entry.  A link to the next one will be at the bottom and you can read on from there.

Part I: Helsinki, Finland

On June 1st we left the USA for Europe.  First stop - Helsinki, Finland.  My sister in law is from there and she and my brother arrived several days before us to stay in a Flip Key rental apartment.  We joined them on the morning of the 2nd after arriving by Icelandair.  To make sure we adjusted to the time change we set off to see the city right away.

Here are some highlights from the first day.

Starting off on our walk.  My sister in law in the brown, her brother and sister in law in front of her, my brother looking back at me, and my husband, Dan in the striped shirt.

The apartment we rented is in that yellow building on the second floor overlooking the street.

Access to the apartment was by this circular stairs or this elevator.  Dan loved using it.

Walking to the downtown was very easy from the apartment.  We walked past this park every time which commemorated the deaths of victims of the plague.

The city is a mix of old and new.

This window display of succulents and cacti was really striking.

The promenade was in the heart of the city and always filled with people.  We brought warm weather and being so far north days were very long.

The birds fought over this perch on top of this statue.

Never seen this sort of store in the states.

More to come.  Stop by again.

To see more, go to this link and then after reading that one scroll to bottom and click on Newer Post.