Thursday, May 30, 2019

Must See!

Here are two videos you need to watch about Trump and the laws he has broken that if we had done this, we would be convicted of a serious crime and serving prison time.

First from Project Democracy

Now from Republicans for the Rule of Law.

To read the article by Post writer Jennifer Rubin go 

Please share these.  We must educate the American population especially Trump supporters who are in denial.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Critters at Wilde Lake

This is Wilde Lake near my home.  I enjoy walking around it.  

One Sunday morning on such a walk I walked passed this critter without seeing it because two women were walking toward me and I moved to the right so they could pass.  Only when I heard they exclaim did I turn and see what I had passed by.

 These geese announced their progression across the lake.

When I got to the other side on my walk I encountered the geese close up.

This one looked like the last one to leave its egg - it was the runt if there is such with eggs.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wear Orange Weekend

Go to this link to find out more. 

Here's the t-shirt I'll be wearing.

Will you join me in speaking up to stop gun violence?

Monday, May 20, 2019

From the Files - 14

This is an occasional posting to savor the moments from past travels.

Munich June 2016

Saturday, May 18, 2019

New Hampshire Hike

Last Saturday was a blue sky morning, perfect for a hike.

Daughter Emily directed us to an access point for French's Ledges in Plainfield Township where the climb was not as long and more gradual so that granddaughters could hike it.

We set out bundled up because it was a chilly morning.

We soon came to some vernal pools but didn't see any life there.  The trail skirted it so we didn't get wet feet.

Ferns were just unfurling in the woods.

Moss greening up.

Leaves slowly showing.

Here was one outcropping but not our destination.

The girls had wonderful sun hats.

We were on the right trail

and made it to the top.

We decided to go down another way.  Unfortunately the trail turned in the wrong direction and wasn't connecting to our trail in.  We ended up bushwhacking through the woods to find the original trail very thankful for the iPhone compass and access to the map.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Graduation Card

My son in law is receiving his MBA from the University of Maryland next week.

Made this card in the Maryland colors, which are the state flag colors.

He has a job in Buffalo so the family will be moving very soon.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Back from New Hampshire

We arrived home before the dinner hour yesterday making record time traveling almost 500 miles.

More on our visit there in days to come but here was the scene outside when we woke up on Tuesday morning.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Traveling Again

In April Dan spent two weeks in Puerto Rico with Church of the Brethren Disaster Assistance rebuilding homes damaged by the hurricane in 2017.  I spent that time in Arizona visiting my brother.  

Today we are headed north to New Hampshire to visit daughter Emily, her husband and our two granddaughters.  We haven't seen them since the Christmas holidays.

We will experience early spring again up there which we both missed here when we were away in early April.  

We will get some quality time with granddaughters #1 & #2, ages 5 and 2.5 years.

The nice thing about where we live now is we can just lock up and go.  We do tell the concierge of our days away so they don't worry about where we are. We don't worry about the security of our home or trees falling across the driveway or whether the house looks deserted or stopping the mail.  You know what I mean.

Our home used to be called Vantage House.  It has a new name now: The Residences at Vantage Point.  It has a new website too.

It is a really nice place to live but visiting family is especially nice too.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

A Day with Granddaughter #3

Tuesday I spent in Greenbelt with Granddaughter #3.

In the the morning we took a walk and I spied this gorgeous rhododendron.

While she napped in the afternoon I mulched the flower beds in the backyard.  Sarah and William are preparing to sell their home before they move to New York State.

These lovely iris came from my garden before we moved.  Before that they were in my mother in law's garden.

After napping granddaughter enjoyed a snack on the patio and we both enjoyed the cool breeze while we sat in the shade on this warm day.

I spied this nest in the tree beyond us.

Probably belongs to a squirrel.

My days of watching granddaughter once a week are dwindling as the move north gets closer.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

From the Files - 13

This is an occasional posting to savor the moments from past travels.

2016 River Cruise plus Helsinki before and Munich after.

The subject is food.

The open air market on the water in Helsinki.

The glass enclosed market in Helsinki.

My lunch there.

Lunch in Helsinki.

Marketplace in Budapest.

Snack in Vienna.

Lunch in Cresky Krumlov, Czech Republic

Lunch in Landsberg, Germany