Monday, November 5, 2018

Monthly Walk

Here at Vantage House, the Fitness department sponsors a monthly walk/hike on the first Tuesday of the month.  Tomorrow we are supposed to go to the Jones Fall Trail in Baltimore but I think the rain we are having today will continue tomorrow.

In October the destination was the National Mall in Washington, DC. A group of us walked from our let out point at the National Gallery to the Washington Monument and back.  I grabbed these photos on what was a lovely October day, one of very few.

 National Gallery of Art

Our destination point looms large.

We did take a pit stop in the sculpture gardens.

Luckily one of us remembered a rest room was on the backside of the cafe.

The Smithsonian Castle across the Mall from our path.

This Smithsonian building has been undergoing a major renovation.

This one had the same thing several years ago.

The newest Smithsonian is African American Culture and Heritage.

On the far side of the Washington monument grounds we could see the reflecting pool and Lincoln Memorial.  Too far to walk today.

There was a fence around the monument.  Repairs still being made from the earthquake of several years ago?

Walking back we see the Capitol.

Here was our meeting point!