Saturday, October 6, 2018

New Hampshire Seacoast

We traveled in two cars to the Odiorne Point State Park on the New Hampshire coast.  Daughter Emily and granddaughters were coming with us for the day.  We stayed in the area for two nights.

It was a gorgeous blue sky day to explore the seashore.

The cove we walked around is known to have petrified stumps of trees from the last ice age. We got there as the tide was almost in so missed the petrified stumps.  Dan and I saw them the next evening at low tide but I didn't have the camera and it was getting dark fast.

Lots of rock cairns/towers populated this point.  Notice granddaughter L is barefoot.  She has tough feet.

As I look at these photos it may be that I captured some of the petrified wood and didn't know it at the time.

Some of the tidal pools were visible even at high tide. Emily is pointing out some critter to A.

The rock on the left above could be petrified wood.

We had lunch sitting on this rock wall with the Atlantic Ocean in front of us.

A light house across the cove.

This seagull thought it could get a handout - not from us.  The Seacoast Science Center is behind.  It was started in someone's summer house and has expanded.

We headed there after lunch.

Lots of hands on activities for children,

including a tidal pool - touching tank.

Then there were the aquariums.

One more stop along side the ocean before heading to our cars.