Monday, September 10, 2018

Sharing Grandchildren Photos Plus

Sorry, no frontal views of my three granddaughters, but they are so cute even from the back or in shadow.

We had a wonderful family vacation in WV in August.

Here's Dan helping 4 year old A to get a drink of spring water.

A loves insects.  She's trying to get a huge beetle to crawl up on her stick.

L is almost 2.

In the water her teeth chattered.

A took swimming lessons this summer.

A & L are sisters.

The youngest, I, at 1 year loved the water.

As a plus here are my siblings in order from right to left.  I'm #4.

We gathered at the end of our week vacation at my older sister's retirement community in PA. There is 19 years difference between the oldest and youngest of us. We reside in PA, MD, VA and the brother next to me in AZ.