Thursday, May 17, 2018

Basel: Three Tidbits

Tidbits, curiosities, or striking sights.  Whatever you want to call them, they get captured in a photo and call out to be shared here on this blog.

A store window that caught my attention.  What a name for a cigar store?

I wondered if they had to get permission from his descendants to use his name.

View from our window at the East/West Riverside Hotel in Basel.

Notice the specks on the building across the way?

Huge ants are crawling up the side of this building.  We did go in the coffee shop on the ground floor for tea.  We sat in the enclosed backyard.  No ants in sight!

Had to have fondue in Switzerland.

The helpful Tourist Information woman who we returned to see after our trip to Lucerne (subject of another post) recommended two traditional Swiss restaurants to us.  We had the fondue at Walliser Kanne and though we looked up on the iPad how to find it we had a difficult time of it until it suddenly appeared in front of us.

We shared a huge Caesar salad, the fondue, and strawberries Romanoff for dessert.  We were stuffed.
If you get to Basel look for this restaurant.  It's been there since 1947 in a building that's much much older than that.