Friday, April 13, 2018

Amsterdam Museum Park

I know my title isn't the correct name for the area in Amsterdam where so many museums are sited.  I mentioned it in my last post as the spot where our guide left us to explore on our own for over an hour.  What I neglected to do was share the photos of that area.

The major draw is this sculpture.

Then there is this kiosk selling prints.

But the park area is large and you can see what gray weather we had.

Here's the Van Gogh Museum along one side.

Another look at the Rijks Museum from a distance.

Here's the concert hall opposite the Rijks.

The modern art museum.  See that hill.  School children were having such a good laugh rolling down that hill like they'd never seen one before.  Is Amsterdam that flat?

A close up of the Concert- Gebouw.

This Banksy art work was removed from a wall in London, I believe, that was going to be demolished.  The purchaser was from Amsterdam.

Still more to come.  Stay tuned!