Thursday, October 19, 2017

Scotland - Dunblane Cathedral

Having Dunblane Cathedral in the town where we made our base was such a bonus.  We walked around it and inside it the first afternoon we arrived.  It's an Historic Scotland property but since there's an active church there the admission is free.  The next day we had a tour by a member of the church and learned all the history.  Not sure how much I remember but it was fascinating.

Here's what was included in the Historic Scotland pamphlet:
"One of Scotland's finest medieval churches.  The lower part of the tower is Romanesque but most of the building was built in the 1200s and extensively restored in the 1800s.  The 15th century choir stalls - amongst the oldest now surviving in Scotland - are carved with real and fantastical beasts."

Here are a few photos of the inside of the church.  I'll share more another day.

We attended church there the our first Sunday in Scotland.  We walked to church listening to the change ringers.  We were delighted with the organ, choir and handbells that accompanied the service. The service was well attended and singing the hymns filled the cathedral with music.