Friday, August 25, 2017

Return to Three Otters Eco Retreat

My extended family returned to Three Otters for a family reunion in mid-August.
We were there for the first time last year.  Visit here to read about that.

You never know what the weather will be like in August but we lucked out with mid 80ยบ days and cool nights.  (The week after we got back the temps climbed much higher.)

The owner of Three Otters said of all their visitors, my family enjoys the water most and it makes her heart sing to see how much fun we have on the Potomac River.

The kayaks were constantly in use.

The canoes too.

Even the dogs loved the water and we had three come this year, one all the way from San Francisco.

Here a scene of the water's edge from the perspective of a canoe.

Dan and I took a canoe upriver.  The current was strong and the water was higher this year but oh, so lovely.

Here is the one yurt, two more will be in place for next year.

Three tent cottages were new this year.  They had front porches.

Dan and I stayed in this vintage trailer, the yellow one, and my brother and sister in law from Arizona stayed in the other one.

Just sitting with feet in the water and talking was a delight.

Tubes were enjoyed too.

Dan didn't quite fit into the kayak, legs too long.

Have you ever seen bubbles bounce on the water?  These did.

Thirty members made it this year.  Next year we hope to have more come because this was less than half of the total.

If you want to find out more visit their website: Three Otters Eco Retreat.  Just don't book the place when we plan to return there.

By the way my blogging time is being limited these days by other commitments and responsibilities, one of which is helping the new parents of our third granddaughter.  I'll get here as often as I can.