Saturday, July 29, 2017

Library of Congress Outside

Friday was another Vantage House trip, this time to the Library of Congress - the world's largest library with a collection of more that 164,000,000 items on 838 miles of bookshelves!

We had a staff change here at Vantage House so the original plan to have a docent led tour didn't happen because we were without a trip organizer at the crucial time when that tour was to be finalize. The new person in the job found out that it was too late to book the tour so we were to tour around on our own.  That part worked out fine but before we could even exit our bus we ran into troubles.  Apparently in order for the bus to discharge us in front of the library on 1st street, which is directly across from the U.S. Capitol, the bus had to have permission.  Now that would have been given had we booked the docent tour, but without it there was no way the bus driver could get us in front no matter how many ways she approached.  The Capitol policeman finally made himself clear we had to discharge on 2nd Street and walk around to the front.

In our walk around we passed by two of these gardens.  I wonder who gets the produce.

Here's the side of the main building called the Jefferson Building.

Looking up I noticed these three faces.

Turning the corner we could see the capitol.

Sorry I didn't get a photo of the very front of the building.  I planned to take that one on my way out but the torrential rain put an end to that idea.  We all got rather wet getting back to the bus which picked us up where she let us off.

To see the inside of the Library of Congress check back another day.