Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Back to Flower Gardening

Rebecca, a friend I've made here at Vantage House, is head of the Resident Association, Landscape Committee.  She asked me last week if I'd like to take on one of the four garden plots that reside inside a picket fence in Sidwell Gardens.  I caved and agreed but not to plant vegetables but cutting flowers.

Monday she and I went to Meadow Farm Nursery to buy annuals.  No need to get perennials because the garden plots are to redone next year.  Annuals were on sale so Rebecca bought some too.

We had the place to ourselves on a Monday morning.

Now the temps this day were in the 90s, no telling what the heat index was.  We waited to do the planting until after the plot was in shade for the day.  

Here are my purchases setting in the garden plot.

At 2:30 we met there again to plant.  Rebecca had dumped a bag of top soil on her quarter.

Here's my quarter before I pulled out the tomato plants that another gardener planted there because she had too many for her quarter.  Don't know who planted the hosta and iris but I left those.

I made two beds with a path between.

Here's a sunflower I planted near the fence.

You can see Rebecca's planting behind mine.  She transplanted some astilbe to the back corner.

The balcony second from the top is ours.  I can peer down on my flowers.

Dan was up on the balcony and took this picture of us.

I'll keep you posted on how the flowers grow.  There is sun only at midday for several hours.