Tuesday, May 30, 2017


One day you're reading their blog and then you realize nothing has been posted in a long while.  Happen to you?

I had started reading this blog Meggie on the Prairie because I was interested in her trip to Scotland and all she wrote about it. [Dan and I are headed there at the end of September and we are trying to read all we can ahead of time.]  Now I see Meggie hasn't posted since the end of March.  Anyone know why?

Another disappearance was Amanda of Wildly Simple.  I loved reading about the escapades of raising her 5 children.  She also had such beautiful photos.  She hasn't written since last September when she wrote about her Grandmother's death.

There are others.  I have long erased the bookmarks to their blogs but I still have to wonder.   What happened to the connection we had while they were blogging?  Broken off that easily when one day they just stopped posting with no explanation why?

I know of only one blogger, Daphne of Daphne's Dandelions who wrote a blogging farewell.  She explained why too.  I was sorry to see her go but grateful that she told us why.

So here's my plea to bloggers out there, if you decide to quite blogging, write that last post to say good-bye.  I will do the same for you.