Sunday, May 21, 2017

Strawberry Pie Season

Strawberry pie starts with a baked shell.  I use my mom's crust recipe: 2 cups flour, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1/4 cup milk.  Sometimes the wet ingredients need to be just a smidgen more especially if I use King Arthur's flour.  Bake the shells for 15 minutes at 425ยบ then let cool.

Here's a close up of the pie recipe.  I doubled it to make two pies.

Half the strawberries go into a pan and are mashed.

The other half are set aside.

I saved out these two to go on top.

Here is the mixture cooking with the cornstarch, lemon juice and sugar.  Note the color.

Still not ready.  It needs to get translucent and very thick.

I'm cooking on an electric stove these days, when I cook.  No big meal prep with living in Vantage House. Family coming in two weeks so I'll be using the stove more while they are here.

Aww, here's the right color.  So thick the spoon will stand up in it.

Rather than folding the cut up strawberries that were set aside into this mixture after it cooled I put a layer of it in the bottom of each pie crust and then the cut berries.

I covered it all with the remaining cooled mixture and then more cut up strawberries.

This pie went to someone at church who purchased it at our church fundraising auction in April.

Here's the other one in the refrigerator ready for guest who came to dinner last night.
