Saturday, March 18, 2017

Pysanka Eggs

I said on an earlier post that I had put my collection of Pysanka eggs out on the display shelf outside our front door.

This week I made three more.  As I was dying the first ones I realized I didn't have the pump thingy that blew out the inside of the eggs.  I looked all over but didn't find it.  I may have given it to one daughter and asked her but she had no recollection of it.  First casualty of our move I guess.

I called the company where I purchased my supplies and the egg pump and they said they are no longer being made.  The only thing they had was a device to blow out the eggs with your own breath, so I ordered that and got it in the mail on Friday.

Today I blew out the three eggs I had decorated and now they are doing a final drain and dying out.

I'll add them to the rest next week.

If you're not familiar with how these eggs are decorated, here's a brief overview.

The egg above was first put into yellow so the entire egg is yellow to begin with.

Then I used a stylus of sorts to paint hot melted wax  where ever I wanted yellow to be.  In this egg it was the lattice work.  Then the egg went into green.  I then painted leaves on with the wax and dyed the egg red.  I painted flowers and finally dyed the egg blue.  The wax is removed by slowly melting it in a candle flame and wiping the wax off.  It's the most tedious part of this craft.

I have 12 different colors.  When you dye you start with the lightest color and work to darkest.  With the egg below I started with the white egg and painted on the ducks. Then put the egg in orange and painted the beaks and the cattail tops.  Then dyed green and painted the leaves.  Then dyed it blue and painted the water and ended by dying it brick colored. I should have painted clouds at the beginning but forgot to.

 This egg only was dyed twice: pink then blue.

 I wrote about Pysanka eggs here, too.

I have 9 more jumbo eggs in the refrigerator and have the supplies still out so there may be some more decorating in the weeks ahead of us.