Thursday, February 23, 2017

Reading Rate

I just finished my 8th book for 2017.  See my list on the left side.  At this rate of 4 a month I'll only read 48 books this year which is less than last year's total of 69.  

What do I attribute this too?  Many more activities here at Vantage House to occupy my time.  

For example: once a week I go to a group called Mixed Media.  A woman who used to teach art in school has an art project for us each week.  I spend time between classes finishing the assignment.

Also once a month is a Zentangle class.  I am on two Resident Association committees: marketing and social/cultural activities.  Those meet once a month.  There's also a book discussion group that meets once a month.

There are speakers, music programs, and movies.  Then there are trips both with Vantage House and on our own with friends.

Five days a week I attend an exercise class.  Today was Boot Camp at 8 am for 45 minutes.

I also volunteer as a driver 3 times a month with Neighbor Ride.  And once a month go with Vantage House to the County Food Bank.

I am very busy so reading gets 2nd priority now.

So much for retirement.  I'm busier now more than ever, but life is good.