Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Walters Art Museum

One December day Vantage House where I live took those of us who signed up to The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore.  This private museum is free!  As the brochure states its "one of only a few museums in the world to present a panorama of art from the third millennium BC to the early 20th century.  The thousands of treasures range from mummies to arms and armor, from old master paintings to Art Nouveau jewelry."

The docent who met us gave us a one hour overview tour starting with this exhibit.  The focus of this was to show that the Dark Ages weren't that dark.  Besides things to look at the exhibit space was filled with sounds and scents of the time period.

This vase, carved from one piece of agate is probably the most priceless item in the museum according to the docent who heard this from the former director.

This altar piece still had a scent of incense when it was installed.  I was troubled by the amount of items from churches.  I had to wonder who sold these items to Mr. Walters?  Is the church still standing minus its priceless treasures?

Other galleries contain the art collections of the original collector and his son.

Yes, the painting below is the Mona Lisa, but not the one from the Louvre.  This was painted by someone in da Vinci employe.

Lots to see and not enough time to do so.  Another trip will have to be scheduled.