Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Our Neighbors

We are really getting to know one of our neighbors - the bald eagle.

This photo was taken from our balcony on Christmas morning using the zoom.

Later that Christmas morning we walked around the lake where the bald eagle has been hanging out.

Some of the lake was still frozen and these Canada geese were lined up eating ice.

The bald eagle appeared over head then swooping down to the lake.

It landed across the lake.  

We discovered that there were dead or just frozen fish in the ice.  These gulls were feasting and the eagles were too as we stood and watched a pair of them grab fish.  Sorry couldn't capture that fast enough.

The heron likes to hang out at the edge of the dam.

Got a close up of the bald eagle

and its mate.

Finally here's a zoom in from the lake to my balcony.  It's the open one.  We are on the 11th floor and loving watching our neighbors, the bald eagles fly by.
