Thursday, October 6, 2016

Smithsonian American Art Museum

Have I told you lately how much I love living at Vantage House?  One reason is the excursions.  I love going places but now Vantage House makes it so easy.  No more logistics to work out like how to get there or where do I park?  No more stress of driving in traffic!

Vantage House has three buses.  Wednesday this one took 12 of us plus Daniel, our excursion coordinator to the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC.  We left at 10:15 and returned by 2:45.

The museum is actually two.  The Portrait Gallery is there as well.  It's located at 8th and F Streets NW, though we accessed the building on G Street.

Standing on the steps awaiting the docent I had these views of Washington.

Inside halls going to the left and right with exhibits.

Out the other side is this lovely courtyard.

It has this amazing ceiling.

And this water walkway.

Upstairs on the other side is The Great Hall.

Don't you love the floor?

The building was begun in 1836 and completed in 1868.  It became a museum in 1968.  I'll share what our wonderful docent took us to see in another post.

Atlantic Ocean

It was a cool wet weekend at Bethany Beach, Delaware this past weekend.

The ocean was wild.

It's off season, but there were some stores open.

Dan was brave and put his feet in.

Foam was flying in the wind.

It was a nice weekend retreat with friends.