Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Moving Again!

Yes, believe it or not we are moving after just over two months here in this one bedroom at Vantage House. But that was the plan all along though we never expected it would happen so soon, nor that we would get the type of two bedroom unit we wanted and on the same floor we are now.  There are only 12 of these types of units out of 100s of units so it was a long shot we thought.

Move day is next week.  Movers have been ordered.  Vantage House is paying the bill.  The unit is still in renovation stages but the finish date is Friday or Saturday.  The cleaning crew tackles it on Monday and then we move in.

Here are some shots as of today.  We could see the colors we had picked out for the walls.  Pale yellow in the living area, brighter yellow in our extra bedroom we are calling a multipurpose room and deeper yellows in the bathrooms.  Our bedroom is two shades of brown.

Here is the door to our current apartment.

Down the hall at the very end is our new one.

From the foyer the living area is to the left.

Views south from balcony off living room.

We also look west and east.

Unlike our present apartment we will have views in three directions instead of just one.

The multipurpose room

It has a balcony too.

Our two toned bedroom.

The view from our door down the hall to the elevator.  Did I say we are on the 11th floor?

We are excited by the prospect of finally being settled in our home for many years to come.