Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Wellwood Orchard Petting Zoo

We spent a long weekend in New Hampshire to babysit the granddaughter so Emily & Matt could have a get away.  We had a lovely time.  Our one outing with granddaughter was a return to Wellwood Orchard and its petting zoo.

Granddaughter contemplating the calf.

This chicken looked like it was crossed with a pigeon.

When we told granddaughter where we were taking her she told us there would be peacocks and they would squawk.

The peacocks were amazingly quiet.  It was the roosters that couldn't stop cock a doodle doing.

This red and black bird was a pheasant we were told.

The goats were the boldest.

Once leaving the enclosure there are sinks for washing hands and brushes for cleaning shoe soles, a necessary task.