Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Battle I Won't Miss

I give up!

The ground hog has won for this year again!

It has persevered - returning and returning despite my plugging the holes it dug, to dig a front and back entrance for itself under our deck.

This hole at one end of the deck was not here this morning.

Don't know if its the front or back entrance but the other hole is at the other end of the deck.

It wasn't here this morning either.

No more plugging!  I'll leave the battle to the buyers of this house.

Tuesday Treasures #12 - First Iris

The flowers in my gardens are treasures because I planted everyone of them.  I am enjoying each new blossom this spring as it is my last here with this garden.
Today I noticed the first iris blooming and knew it had to be featured as a treasure.

Other blooms just showing are the bleeding hearts, not in the profusion they have been in past years because of heavy frosts we have had in April.

The grape hyacinths have never done much but here is one lone stem of flowers.

These daffodils have been blooming for a week or more.  

And this volunteer in the rock path, one of many, was in focus in my viewfinder.  Don't know why the rocks took the focus instead.

Here are some treasured plants potted up for my daughters: peonies, irises, and lily of the valley.

And in the Glen Garden the May apples are up next to the hosta.  Nice to have those spring wildflowers.
