Saturday, March 5, 2016

Lebanon, NH Church

In February when I was visiting family in NH for granddaughter's 2nd birthday, I went to church with them in Hanover.  Their church meets in the high school.  To get there we drove through Lebanon passing this church with its red door and greenish siding.  It sits next to a school and the swings are there to the left.  Not sure what the bell is doing out of a steeple.

A Tale of Two Tails

So I can't tell much difference between one deer and the next except by size and if there are antlers involved.

Yesterday I was watching these two deers eat their way along the grass down the hill from my vegetable garden. 

 I was wondering if they would even attempt to reach the green leaves of the English laurel.  Last year they devoured those leaves and I almost lost the bushes.  This year I put up deer fencing around the four bushes and have kept the deer out as evidenced by these two that worked their way around the fencing. (The laurel is not visible in these photos but the green stake on the left side of the photo above is holding up one corner of the deer fencing.)  

As I watched I noticed the tails of these two. They were different. 

 Is this unusual to have one pointed and one squared off? 

 Now when I see a deer on the property again I'll have to take a closer look at the tail.

As a postscript I captured this lone robin on the fence of the vegetable garden.  Most of the winter the robins I've seen have been traveling in flocks.  Maybe this solo one is a harbinger of spring?