Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Birds Out My Window

These were all taken out my window that overlooks our small pond.  One of the bird feeders is there which makes it a very attractive spot.

The photos below were taken in the weeks before our big snow.

And a sad postscript.  While we were shoveling the snow both garage doors were wide open.  When I came in from working I heard something under my car and just caught sight of the movement.  I thought it was a mouse.  Later since my study shares a wall with the garage I thought I heard noises from there.  I went to check and found that a wren had come into the garage and gotten stuck to a sticky trap I'd placed in there months ago to stop mice.  All it had stopped was bugs which must have been the attraction for the wren.  It's feet were stuck fast.  I took a spatula and as gently as I could worked its feet off the sticky stuff.  The bird complained as I did this.  Finally it was released and it flew off but I don't think it was a happy ending for the wren.  All I could imagine was it being stuck then to the branch it landed on or getting its beak stuck to its feet as it tried to clear off the sticky stuff.  Wrens are too curious for their own good.  This wasn't the first time I've had a wren in the garage, but this was the first time the story ended sadly.