Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Morning After: Part 2

Nice to have the bright sun and clear blue sky out today.  Melting is beginning.

Took the camera in my pocket while I did some snow chores.  Here's how it looks out there.

Here's the shovel I use to push the snow once Dan has blown off most of it.

I walked down the driveway to check on Dan and talk to neighbors who were down there clearing the lane.

One of the creeks is buried.

Evidence that the deer had been in the wetlands.

Back up the driveway.  Some pavement is beginning to show.

The Morning After: Part 1

Yesterday out my study window I watched landmarks slowly disappear.


Still later

The view this morning.

More to come later today as I get out to shovel and take photos.

Don't know our total but likely more than 2 feet.  I know it's a record for our house.